As we finish up October and prepare to dive into November, I have a few important reminders and requests for you.
First of all, let me just say what a fantastic couple of weeks we have had. The students have been working so hard over the last almost 8 weeks and the Practice Tree is just full of stickers and that Treasure box has been opened many times over the last two weeks–it’s already half-empty!! Time to go shopping! 😉
The treasure box is one great way to celebrate all their hard work, but I was reminded this week of another terrific way to do celebrate at home. I have often encouraged my students to call grandparents on the phone and play for them or take advantage of when they are over for a visit and put on a little concert, but this week one of my little students proudly showed me a video of herself playing the piano that her mom had shared on facebook. We have so much technology at our fingertips now and so many of us have iPhones–take advantage of it! Making a “Music Video” of your child and posting it on facebook or youtube is a wonderful way of sharing with family and friends as well a great way to show your child how important you think their music is and build their self-esteem and confidence! Thanks, Ayla and Amanda for that great reminder!
I have had a chance to talk quickly at some of our classes this week about what to do when you are at the studio waiting for your class to begin, but there are few classes and students that I missed getting this message/reminder out to. When you come into the studio for your lesson, please wait on/near the brown chairs around the corner, quietly and out of sight of the piano if at all possible. When some of our classes were arriving this week, I noticed some students and parents standing about near the sofa and keyboards while a private lesson or class was still in session. It’s easy to forget how intimidating or nerve-wracking (not to mention distracting) it can be to a student to see half a dozen adults and the same number of children watching them out of the corner of their eye. Some of my private students feel a little nervous playing just for me, imagine how they must feel when a whole group shows up at the end of their lesson….especially if they weren’t feeling as prepared as they usually are to begin with. This is especially important to remember if there is a private lesson going on before your class/lesson begins. Many of the private students only get a 30 minute lesson. If you are in a 60 minute class and think the time flies by, imagine what a race we have to get through everything we need to in 30 minutes and how vital it is that we can spend those 30 minutes un-distracted. If you show up for your class 10-15 minutes early and you are talking, whispering or moving around in that student’s line of sight, they can be feeling nervous or distracted for up 30-50% of their lesson–that is a huge chunk of their time. And, to be honest, they are not the only ones distracted. I will often see little ones waving at me and I can’t help but wave back but my student needs 100% of my attention for their lesson. So, please, if you can remember, try to come into class only 5-7 minutes early and wait quietly on the brown chairs, the sofa area is intended for parents and siblings of private students who need a comfortable place to study/work for 30-60 minutes while they wait for their child or sibling to finish their private lesson. I know it can be exciting and inspiring to hear what those older students or other classes are working on, but make sure you listen in as quietly and as invisibly as possible!
“Oh, my did she really just say that”, you ask, “we haven’t even gotten through Halloween?!” Yes I did, and yes I have even bought a couple of Christmas presents already! Christmas is only 2 months away and our Christmas recital is only approximately 7 weeks away. If that thought has given you indigestion, I apologize, but swallow it down because we are going to be ramping up for our annual Christmas recital VERY soon. My family has already heard me playing through several Christmas pieces as I choose and prepare to accompany some of the class ensemble numbers our classes will do and trust me, they have groaned loudly but I ignore them and play on! If you have only been skim-reading my newsletters (shame on you!), then you may have missed the announcement about the when and where of our recital so here it is again–just in case:
Annual Christmas Recital: Friday evening, December 14th, in the First Church of the Nazarene Main Auditorium located at 14320 94 street. I believe our time will be 6:30-7:30pm, but I will need to confirm that with you a little later–as soon as I hear the date and time of my husband’s work Christmas party. I may have to run the recital from 6-7pm. I do apologize for the late date, I was hoping for December 7th, but, alas, it was unavailable.
With the recital just weeks away, we will begin working on special ensemble pieces in our music classes as well as some piano duet or solo opportunities. All the MYC classes will find that seasonal music is actually included there in our books, but private students need extra supplementary books of their own. So, all of you in private lessons: please take this weekend to go through your piano bench or magazine file beside your piano and dig out ALL your Christmas books–then bring them to piano lessons NEXT WEEK, we need to make sure the level of the book is still appropriate or if you have “out-grown” it and are in need of a new book/level. We want to begin our preparations no later than the first week of November so we are confident, prepared and not cramming last minute practice into an already busy season!