What a chilly November morning!! I feel like a bit of a broken record when I say that October went by in a flash! I expect the next several weeks will too! Here are a few things to keep you updated:
The boys of my Moonbeams 3 piano class requested that this week be “Dress Up Week” . If you are not already sick of dressing up from a weekend of fun and yesterday (they assured me that they would definitely NOT be sick of dressing up!) then feel free to come to lessons in costume this week for a little bit of extra fun (Oct 31-Nov 4).
The students have been using the “What’s in my Musical Mind” posters to share with each other what they’ve been learning each week and how many days they’ve been practicing. It’s a little bit of accountability and motivation rolled up in to one. We will continue this both this week and next week before we roll out our new practice incentive after the Remembrance Day/Fall break. Speaking of practicing, I came across this great article and just shared it on the Facebook page:
My children and several of my piano students have most or all of the week following Remembrance Day off, so there will be NO LESSONS November 11-18….instead, students will be encouraged to spend that extra time on the Christmas pieces they will be assigned both this week and next week in lesson….and I will be using that time to really start organizing and preparing for our big annual Christmas recital…which will be?? That’s right!
Mark your calendars for our annual Christmas Recital on December 16th at 6:30pm in the main auditorium of First Church of the Nazarene, 14320 94 street. Our theme is: Christmas in Our Jammies….feel free to dress accordingly! There will be photo ops AND photo props! We will begin preparations this week. Expect fun ensembles, lovely piano solos and yummy treats!