Here we are almost one full week into February! We made it through January and I have been quite impressed with both the practicing and the composing that has been going on! Each and every student whether in the MYC program or private lessons has been creating their very own composition and it’s been delightful to see their enthusiasm as well as their astounding creativity. We are going to wrap up our compositions over the next two weeks.
There’s not always a lot of news at this time of year but there are a couple of important upcoming dates to go over including another all studio master class session.
First and foremost is an upcoming Sunrise class for preschoolers. I will be starting a Sunrise music class for ages 2-4 this month on February 15th. This class will run on Wednesdays from 11-11:45am until May. If you know of anyone in that age group who would be interested, feel free to share. I’ve created an event on the Facebook page that can be easily shared. There is still time to register! Sunrise kids will play a special part in our Spring Recital. 🙂
We will be having another masterclass session immediately following the Family Day holiday weekend. February 21-24 there will be NO regular lesson schedule, instead we will be having all studio master classes. I’ll be sending out a sign up sheet similar the one I sent out in December shortly, this way you are able to see that you signed up….and also change times if needed all on your own. The theme of this master class session will be “Creative Keys” and focus on creativity through improvising and other fun AND it will be a chance for all the students to show each other their very creative compositions as those will be their solo pieces. Keep your eye out for that sign up sheet!
I am still working on officially booking our Spring recital, but there is a very good chance is will be May 5th. I will let you know as soon as it is official! It will be in the same place as Christmas!
It is still several weeks away, but there will be no lessons during March 24-April 2 for Spring Break. The studio will be closed and I will be away.
Well, that is all for now! Have a great day….and stay warm!!