I don’t know about you but I can NOT wait until Spring! Sadly, I realize I will have to…and likely several more weeks…yes, that’s probably being optimistic.
While we all wait longingly for Spring (or deal with our offspring experiencing sever Spring Fever), here is a short and sweet March Newsletter for you. You’ll notice the word Spring is mentioned a few times:
1. We have completed the first week of our 4 week Pirate-y Practice Challenge. Way to go! This week’s goal is 5 days of practice!
2. We will be having a two week Spring Break/Easter Break from March 27-April 11 to accommodate the varying Spring Break schedule that comes with many different students enrolled in many different school boards. This is the first year I’ve tried a two week Spring Break, but we will give it a try and see how it goes! I have been noticed a lot of tired students dragging into the studio this week. I am hoping this extended break will provide some rest and refreshment. But don’t forget to get a little bit of piano practice in.
3. The Spring recital is booked for Friday, May 8th, 2015 at 6:30pm. We will be getting FANCY! At least that will be our theme. We are going to try and go all out with our fanciest piano pieces, ensembles and wardrobes!
Mark your calendar for our Fancy and Formal Spring Recital! We will likely have our recital pieces picked by Spring Break, so take a little time over the holiday to get a head start!